Wow, time flies. A brewing recap of the past 367 days (believe me, the counterflow chiller was put to good use):
- Cider and pale ale for a Halloween party
- Stout and "estate" rye pale ale for New Year's Eve/Housewarming party
- A mild and wit for some friends' wedding in May
- Switched to Beersmith for brewing software (off an inherited Access database)
- A wit for the National Homebrewers Conference in June
- Bought two more kegs and a Johnson Controls digital temp controller
- Wrote an article on hop harvesting. I'm looking for feedback
- A cider, a rye pale ale, a kolsch, and a Southern England brown ale for a curling function (yes, I curl and you should too!)
- The 2010 Brauerei Hop Harvest. It was a banner year for Cascade hops in Rochester.
Over the next few weeks I plan on expanding some of those points into their own posts. What's coming up?
- I'm headed to the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, CO this September. As my first real vacation all year I'm taking a few extra days to tour breweries around Ft. Collins, Boulder, Denver, and Golden.
- My local homebrew club's Iron Brewer competition (random mystery ingredient)
- Halloween party
I plan on keeping your better informed over the next few weeks. Stayed tuned!