Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Years Brewing (2)

Over Thanksgiving weekend I volunteered to provide two kegs of beer for a New Years party. I originally set upon making two different recipes: something light and drinkable, like a cream ale, and something maltier, like a brown ale. Fate, it seems, decided otherwise.

During my last visit to the Twin Cities some friends and I stopped at Northern Brewer to pick up recipe supplies. Unfortunately I forgot both recipes at my friend's apartment. Forced to improvise I set upon using two of NB's all-grain recipe kits, one for cream ale, and by complete happenstance, one for "The Innkeeper."

Why "The Innkeeper?" Two reasons. First, it uses a Wyeast Private Very Special Strain (VSS) called West Yorkshire Ale (1469). From Wyeast:

This strain produces ales with a full chewy malt flavor and character, but finishes dry, producing famously balanced beers. Expect moderate nutty and stone-fruit esters. Best used for the production of cask-conditioned bitters, ESB and mild ales. Reliably flocculent, producing bright beer without filtration.

Attenuation 67-71%
Alc. Tolerance 9%
Flocculation high
Temperature Range 64-72°F (18-22°C)

Second, as an ale (and an English ale at that), this beer has a quick turn around from brewing to serving. In fact, I brewed this beer December 20, 2008, kegged it Dec. 28, and served it New Year's Eve.

This beer received rave reviews from everyone at the New Year's party. One reported comment was: "Claussen brews way better beer than I do." It's all subjective but it was nice to hear it.
Quantity SKU UOM
0.25 Crystal Malt - 150°L (Briess) lbs.
6 Golden Promise lbs.
1 Granulated Sugar lbs.
1 Salt - NaCL tsp.
3 Gypsum - Calcium sulfate tsp.
1 Wyeast 1469 - West Yorkshire Ale (VSS) Pkg.
1 Irish Moss tsp.

Quantity SKU UOM BoilTime AlphaAcid HBU
1 Fuggles oz. 65 0.046 19.034
1 Goldings oz. 50 0.054 22.345
1 Styrian Goldings oz. 5 0.048 5.149

Altered mash water to match that of Burton-upon-Trent
Single infusion mash.
Heated 2.11 gallons H20 to 164°F, poured water into tun, added grain. Bed stabilized at 153°F (ideal temp). Ratio was 1.35 qts/lb. Let mash for 60 minutes.

In meantime heated 2.875 gal water to 178°F.

Vorlauf and collected first runnings. Added sparge water, stired bed, and let rest for 10 minutes.

After ten minutes, vorlauf and collect second runnings. Total collected: 4.5 gallons. Topped up to 5 gal. Brought to a boil and added sugar and hops at prescribed times.

Left cool overnight.

Transferred to primary. Wort volume appx 3.5 gallons.

Kegged at 25 PSI

Served at 5's a hit!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brewing break

Sorry for the dry spell. Between these posts I've gone on vacation (thrice), started a new hobby (photography), and tried to prepare for the upcoming holidays.

I say holidays because I consider New Year's a set of holidays, too. I get the days off so why not call them holidays?

As such I've volunteered to brew two Cornelius kegs (five gallons each) of beer for our New Year's party. These brews will be unique in that I have but two "free" weekends between now and Dec. 31. I'm planning to brew up a storm (har-har) December 19-21 to kick-off primary fermentations. Why a whole weekend for two beers? I don't have a wort chiller! I depend on the ambient temperature of my garage to cool wort to the proper yeast pitching temperature.

Since the two brews (recipes forthcoming) are ales I expect primary fermentation to complete within a week. At this point I have three options:
  1. Place primary fermenters into garage for a few days before racking to kegs
  2. Rack directly to kegs and carbonate
  3. Rack each into secondary for two days in the garage.
#1 will force any remaining yeast to flocculate and drop out of the beer before kegging. Unfortunately the beer will remain on the trub (flocculated yeast, coagulated proteins, and hop residue) for a few days which may alter the beer's flavor profile.

#2 is quick and easy but I'll need to discard the few pulls from each keg to get rid of the flocculated yeast.

#3 removes the beer from the trub and ensures the "cleanest" possible finished beer.